Our Mission

Our Values
Reflect those of minimalistic runners, who believe in the power of running and the need to protect what wilderness we have left.
Fair Trade and Human Rights
As defined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, “all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.”
Tarkine supports human rights and vows to never support manufacturers which do not share the same values. All factories have been audited to ensure workers receive fair pay, and are treated with dignity.
Business as Activism
By creating a company that values environmental responsibility above all else, we can do our part, by directing much needed money to the frontline fight against the destruction of old growth rainforests and other threatened ecosystems. 1% of every Tarkine sale, indefinitely, will be donated to help save some of the world's most wild and sacred places. 1% of all revenue every month is donated to the Bob Brown Foundation.
Quality Products, Without the B.S.
Tarkine believes that the running shoe industry has swept consumers away in a sea of disinformation and fads.
We will never pretend that our shoes will make running injuries a thing of the past, or make you fly or float.
We commit to say it how it is, and to always be 100% transparent.
Taking Responsibility
We pledge to take responsibility for the products we manufacture, and in doing so, hope that other brands will follow. Vital to this process is the following:
- Working towards a carbon neutral business model.
- Using ethical and sustainable manufacturing processes.
- Using ethical, sustainable and eco-friendly materials.
- Donating 1% of every sale to help save threatened ecosystems.
- Working towards a worldwide recycled program.
Always Improving
We acknowledge that we can always improve the way we do things. By minimalizing our creation of microplastics, to using better and better recycling practices, to a plethora of other measures that we will never stop working towards.
Going it Alone
The running shoe industry has an awful environmental record. It’s our goal to ignore the way things are usually done, to set our own path.