Run To Paradise Podcast Season 2 Episode 9 - Bad Trips and Watermelon Lips with Rhys Crosswell

Sixty what minutes!? What is this, the dang blasted Bro Jogan podcast? Who has time to listen to this shit? Who has time to make it?? Me? So many questions that’ll have to wait for another day.
This episode is about Rhys Crosswell trying to do the Cape to Cape track in record time, but we also chat about --- the very special place trails hold in our mammalian hearts and minds, how to do your very own ultra adventure, what's more important than running, family, the vibe, and eventually how to prepare for your goals changing, sometimes more callously referred to as FAILURE.
Thanks very much Rhys, Geoff and Julie Crosswell, thanks Billie, Frankie, Rosie, Ben, Grant, Will, Annika and thanks Shane Johnson! And of course massive thanks to Tarkine the Fremantle based running shoe company. Their shoes are indestructible in my experience, and that's the best kind of sustainable apparel you can have - stuff you don’t have to throw away. It’s a terrible business model, but one I have a lot of respect for!!
And mostly thanks to whoever listens to this :)
- Nick